Devil Eater: Counter Attack to

Devil Eater: Counter Attack to




Embrace the darkness and unleash your demonic powers with Devil Eater: Counter Attack to, a thrilling and fast-paced action game. In this eclectic game, you play as a cursed character who sets on a journey of revenge after the demise of Elise. Confront and exterminate the evils infiltrating across 5 cities using your duel pistols and malevolent forces that you've acquired from your curse. The gameplay is sensitive, demanding timely counters and skill-shots to obliterate the devils. Upgrade your character and various skills, and arm yourself with powerful demonic pistols as you combat the nefarious forces. And ultimately, get ready to face the ultimate boss, Baal, after 400 kills. Unfold the mysterious series of event that followed after Elise's death, as your kill-count rises.

How To Play

  • Counter Attack: Stay alert! Block the enemy's attack just when it's about to hit you.
  • SkillShot: Launch a sweeping attack to wipe out the devils.
  • Selective leveling: Train your hunter, level up your skills - both offensive and defensive and boost your speed.
  • Weapon Shop: Equip a variety of demonic pistols to enhance your firepower.
  • Battles: Prepare yourself for the grand face-off with Baal, the ultimate boss after 400 kills.

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