
Dive into the immersive world of 'Perfect Lie', a thrilling new game now available on Google Play. This game challenges your cunning and deceit, asking the daring question: How skillful a liar are you? Can you fool your loved ones, your teachers, or even everybody you know? Can you secure the coveted title of being the world's number 1 Liar? Prepare to engage in a riveting battle of wits, deception and bluffing as you maneuver your way through intricate lies and truths, putting your reputation and relationships to the test. Get ready, let's see if you can make them believe your Perfect Lie!

How To Play

  • Begin the game by creating your lie.
  • Interact with different game characters and weave your story.
  • Face challenges and unexpected twists that will test your lying skills.
  • Achieve the highest score by keeping your lie undetected.

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