
Welcome to the thrilling dystopian world of Aether Gazer! As a future where constant war has rendered Earth inhospitable, mankind has found refuge in Gaea, an AI orbiting the Earth. Here, human consciousness is divided into ten zones, each boasting a unique culture and beliefs. But beware, the vile computer viruses, Visbanes, are lurking in the shadows, intent on wreaking havoc on our utopian dreams. Your mission? To leverage your strategic prowess, amp up your heroes, and crush the Visbanes with tactical combos. Oh, and while you're at it, immerse yourself in a universe abounding in lore and loot!

How To Play

  • Use your strategic insights to identify the character’s skills and abilities during battles.
  • Don't forget to take advantage of power-ups and assemble your squad for maximum impact.
  • Customize your character's skills, and change your fighting style to adapt to evolving combat situations.
  • Experience the thrill of chaining combos and delivering dazzling performance alongside your squad.

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